Your application for Chitika's services has been received. In order to verify that you sent this application, we ask you to verify your email address by clicking on the link below. This process helps us ensure that other people are not submitting applications on your behalf without your authorization.
This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it does not, please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's address box and hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard.
Once you confirm your email, our team will manually review your application to ensure the highest quality service for both you and our advertisers.
Thank you for your interest in Chitika!
Note: For websites currently earning more than 10,000 per month from online advertising:
We are currently running an exclusive beta test on the new upgraded Chitika ads for large/ComScore 500 domains. If you are earning more than 10,000 USD per month from advertising on your domain (with AdSense, direct advertisers, etc.), please register a Chitika Enterprise Account at, or give us a call at (866) 441-7203 to speak with a Chitika team member.</p>
Best Regards,
The Chitika Team
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